“Will” in Fashion.
Debunk the pressure from fashion historians and trend forecasters who tend to make a certain style, shape or size seem ideal to stand out fashionably. Its like using their standards to judge us all, when we can create our own style which tells our stories and still look stunning in them.
When it comes to fashion, your style counts and the story behind your choice of style matters. We are all special and beautiful in our diversities.
Comprehensively, fashion goes beyond just a style of clothe. It is the depth of one’s idea of design, view in color combination, comfortability in certain fabrics and style, from the way it is made; to patterning fabrics into your preferred styles, to your confidence is wearing it head-high.
Most commonly, fashion is understood to be what is trending and designers’ ideas and styles they want to trend, while in actual sense, fashion should be the style you choose, understand and prefer or feel comfortable in, with the strong knowledge of it being characterized by change, hence, a decided choice of style in a geographical territory shouldn’t mandate your style and over shadow your preferred choice of style and preferences.
Religion and culture which is a big influence in the fashion world as it has certain principled lay-out fashion doctrines and rules as to how people of certain faith or believe should dress to uphold its modesty, however they give you the will power to dress in your style and preference, in as much as it is within the moral standard of the culture or religion.
Every style formed by a designer is like a piece of art sculptured by an artist and certainly has a story behind the idea, in other words, the designer of a style has his story that lead him to create that style. The bottom line is, follow the fashion code to create your own style you are comfortable in, and let your untold story be read through the eyes of many.