How To Be Ladies’ Man
OU Entertainments is about the fancy lifestyle and today we have tip to help you dress top notch, attract any lady and look good for yourself as looking good is good Business.
1. Always wear shoes that makes you stand out.
You may not have noticed, but it is a fact that your shoes are what people often notice first and it plays a lead role in your dress sense therefore you must be mindful of how cool your shoes goes with your outfit, if shoes weren’t that important in fashion Marinie Anyointte the famous French queen wont have 500 pairs of shoes.
2. Invest ln Your Wrist Watches
” Like a piece of art, choose your wrist watch because you love it and cherish it like a jewel and not a piece of jewelry.
watches are personal and marks your passage through life however while chossing your watch you have to be practical and consider its Authenticity, functionality, ruggedity that can take the hard knocks of everyday wear. Your wrist watch should also fit you in terms of size and colour ablove all it should be comfortable.
3. Be Right About colours
Whether it is a casual-wear or formal-wear indulge in a bit of colour. I know how scary this is for men as they are intimidated by anything that isnt navy or gray but colour can be admirable too. A sky-blue, green and dark pink can look particularly rakish especially with shades that will lift your entire outfit, you should also know that you need only a bit each attire.
4. With Shirts, Stick To The Classics
Any Mans shirt can be made to look expensive if it is well pressed. Look is particular about the shirt’s details and fits so strike a balance and keep it classic. Avoid bold styles unless you can carry it off and always make sure your collar sits properly especially under a jacket.
5. Know When To Break The Rules
Know when to adhere to dress codes such as black tie and know when to break them.
Some of this fashion rules are there for good reasons, typically because the occasion demands it or some higher authority, your boss perhaps but likewise, as Drakes’ Hill notes “we can get too hung up about rules as well, and there is always a case for ripping them up”. That afterall, is how fashion and style advances. Enjoy the freedom, there is now to make mistakes.
I hope this piece was helpful, watch out for our next exciting fashion tips and until then, goodbye and dont stop dressing smart.