Women and Money are five and six
![Women by OU Mackson Women by OU Mackson](https://www.ouentertainments.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/0751aed491b3ffbe0db8106f9ed5d34f-248x300.jpg)
Wakeup and take hold of what is left of your heart and build again with a piece from here to help you. The relationship sector have turned into an emotional slaughter house for men especially.
It’s a fact that men are woman face bad relationships and suffer from their respective spouse, however woman get help form the society and organizations to help them move up easily while men are left to nurse their wounds with the phrase ‘Be a man’
Women of these generation have changed the narratives of everything we believe in and fought for as regards to love and relationships with complimentary sex.
Some women have different approach and perception to relationship and why they need a man. lately, most are concerned about what they stand to gain in the course of the relationship. Some women would go as far as planning a means to strip the man off all profits or benefits that would have come out of the relationship, it could be kids in this context.
Therefore Kings, the more money you have, the better ladies treat you; it’s not about love or anything related, ladies are just wires not to settle for less. She’s only yours when she believes you can provide all her needs, including all her father couldn’t afford, however, when you fail to, she’ll use the kids if you have any or anything within her powers to make your living miserable.
In effect, forget about early marriage when you are still struggling, make money; enough money, then later you can pick a girl of your choice to groom, marry and care for.
When you are financially stable as a man and she eventually loses her respect for you, which is one ugly thing that comes with marriage, your money will serve as a shield to cushion the effects of such a negative outcome and you will be just fine in old age too.
Remember the woman has the capacity to turn your kids against you and you will get nothing from them after you would have trained them with all you had.
This is not intended to bring any woman down as there are of course very super women out there, it’s just a piece to awaken your guard against toxic people.