Shorts are very comfortable casual wears and versatile too.
Shorts are a garment worn over the pelvic to cover the upper part of the legs, to the knee or above the knee depending on the desired length of the wearer. Shorts are worn by men and women as it is sewn in both male and female styles.
Types Of Shorts
There are so many types of shorts, listed and explained below are the most popular.
• Denim Shorts
Denim is the first on the list because of its popularity and acceptance amongst all.
Denim; the jeans fabric is used all over the world to make jeans, jackets, shirts, purses, bags, and many other accessories for men and women of all ages.

• Pleated Shorts
The pleated style is inspired by the wide-leg pants which are more-or-less associated with top designs as designers are all about baggy everything. The pleated style was a style of the 70s but a sensation these days. The pleated shorts though casual look so formal when it’s worn with a formal shirt.

• Tennis Shorts
This is a short designed for tennis matches. They are shorter than the usual shorts, usually above the knee. It is made with pleats which allows maximum freedom for movement.

• Bermuda Shorts
Bermuda shorts are walk shorts are a particular type of shorts that are worn as semi-casual.
The shorts baded back to sweltering British military officers serving in tropical British colonies which included Bermuda.

• Flat Front Shorts
The flat front shorts are simpler than so many styles of shorts. It is straight-forward and easy to wear but no mater how simple to wear the flat front shorts are always remember to have it pressed for an occasion. The flat front shorts are modern and top choice for a lot of fashionistas for a casual outing.

How to wear
Shorts are casuals and your tops should reflect so too. It would be wrong to wear a long-sleeved, button-fronted, collared shirt with shorts except you are trying to make a personal fashion statement.
Shorts look good when paired appropriately with the right shoes and socks to hit the right vibes.
Low-top loafers and low-cut socks is definitely a right choice. Pulled-up white socks would look goofy, and have you looking like a German tourist. High-top shoes would make your legs look stubby and short as well.