A wake up call
This message is am awakening or a wake up call to us all, don’t be a victim of this ailing system or let it sieze your potentials for better day.
They have chosen to sink this nation with GREED ETHNICITY RELIGION AND WICKEDNESS.
I wish cluelessness hadn’t clotted the ailing aged pupils of our dear grand daddies and mummies who have refused to leave power to see their failure in all ramification.
Their incompetence in governance has reduced the humanity in the Nigerian people; from the law enforcement agencies, to legislatures, to the boy on the street, down to the market woman.
Our good soldiers have almost given up on the fight against the Bandits and Boko Haram as they are being slaughtered in herds without even a statement from their touting commander in chief who is holidaying around the world, while the bad boys in uniform are all over the country corners, scouting for defenseless and unarmed protesting youths to try their aims and murder in cold blood.
They are also bankrolling the selected killersquard stationed in the east from the treasury box largely generated by the same Igbos.
Guys, our remorseless grannys in power know that fish rottens from the head that is why they make us celebrate manipulative education system that cripples our people, thereby producing incapacitated graduates who can’t think but remember alone.
We spend years learning computer components and functionalities but can’t even shut them down. To be a step ahead; while they teach you photosynthesis learn to grow vegetables and while they teach you names of machine parts learn yourself to build one, don’t be another victim of an ailing and failed education system.
We have begged, cried and begged again but they have grown worse. At this juncture, I see something happening soon that will throw us all into bewilderment. I pray we all come out of it with our true identities, Gold as Gold, Silver as Silver then Iron as Iron.